Sunday, January 30, 2011


 The Matrix was not the typical sci-fi movie many people thought it to be. There were so many hidden meanings and literary allusions throughout the movie; it may have been difficult for the 3rd dimensional mind to catch.  The true theme of the movie was that of Love and how to enter in the spiritual matrix. It is the science fiction version of the path to enlightenment....

Here are the spiritual themes in The Matrix:

~ Neo- Jesus Christ
~ Morpheus- John the Baptist
~ Trinity- Represented in Christianity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit is also known as Sophia who in Christian terms was Mary Magdalene. When Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem Mary Magdalene stayed near him. She was also the first person to see Jesus resurrected. The first evidence that Trinity is intended to represent Mary Magdalene comes when she is one of Neo’s biggest supporters. However, this representation becomes extremely apparent when Neo is reborn after being murdered by Agent Smith. Trinity is right by Neo’s side during this suspenseful scene, and she delivers the kiss which causes him to be brought back to life.
~ Cypher- in the movie he betrayed Morpheus, in the bible he represents Judas who betrayed Jesus
~ Agent Smith-   you can think of him as the super conservative Christians or Pontious Pilate if you may.

~ Zion- in the movie it is the last human city outside of the Matrix. In the Bible it is the Kingdom of God
~ The Oracle- told Neo he was not The One; maybe he would be in his next life. This caused him to risk his life to save Morpheus so he could be resurrected as The One. 
~ The Nebuchadnezzar- the rebel ship in the movie. In the bible this was Babylonian King who destroyed the holy city of Jerusalem; in the movie it was trying to destroy Zion. 

As in Christianity, all these characters had a major influence on Jesus' sacrifice for humanity. 


  1. That is so interesting, never knew that, thanks for sharing:)

  2. Thank you very much you are more than welcome.
