Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Earth Plane where Souls incarnate to experience limitation and duality for the expansion of their consciousness; the densest vibration where Love can be experienced in form.

Divine Order – a state of Consciousness held by Soul.  Everything happens according to what one needs to experience to grow and to change; to “wake up”.  It is not that things are preordained or as “Fate would have it”.   It is about choice; the Soul’s choice to bring each experience that a person needs to “wake up”.  Nothing happens in the dramas that we create that is not in Divine Order.  All dramas are Divine Setups.  We are free to accept or not to accept Divine Order:  to “wake up” or to remain asleep – free will

Doorway to Illumination – Soul agreements to embody with the challenging aspects of personality, circumstances, behaviors, afflictions, traits, beliefs, agendas, dramas, concerns, and so forth.  The ego has taken these on.  They are specifically designed to propel one’s evolution towards Self Realization.  Basically you have learn to love everything you hate (the things you hate are in fact the things that your Soul has chosen for you to experience. Good Luck!  Should you decide to accept this mission, your carnal mind will deny all knowledge of this agreement until you decide to wake up.

The Earth Plane where Souls incarnate to experience limitation and duality for the expansion of their consciousness; the densest vibration where Love can be experienced in form.  
Illusion – if you believe that everything experienced by your 5 senses is real, then God is illusion.  If God is real, then everything you experience with your 5 senses is illusion. 

Reality – that which is beyond illusion; that which is beyond the 5 senses:  God.

The Soul is The Watcher of all drama, separation, death, birth and the ego.  The Soul is not effected by these earth plane illusions.  The Soul does not hold any of these earth plane illusions within itself. 

Soul Agreements – these are, quite literally, agreements made within each Soul and between Souls, usually prior to incarnation.  These then, play themselves out in the form of dramas, Divine Setups, coincidences, synchronicities, occurrences, “accidents”, and so forth.  The Soul actually chooses these “happenings” to occur so that the ego-self can experience life.  Thereby, the “happenings” are imprinted upon the Soul fragment for clearing at a later time.  The Soul is a continuum of energy which is fearless, deathless, and committed to change.   Every relationship you have, no matter how large, small, long, or short, is a Soul agreement playing itself out.  Soul agreements can only be changed or new Soul agreements made by an Illumined Being:  one who is Self-Realized

Self-Realization – the awareness of our complete and indivisible union.  This also means that the ego-self has come to know itself so clearly, so lovingly, so wisely that it is no longer run by the Shadow.  When one is in the Illumined State or Self-Realized, there ceases to be any more inner or outer drama.  The personal ego-self has surrendered fully and willingly into the loving embrace of the Soul.  

Reincarnation – the re-embodiment of the Soul over and over again until an Awakened State is realized and maintained in any embodiment.

Taking Responsibility – the act of fully accepting, owning, and acknowledging the fact that you have created everything in your life as it is.  Once you take responsibility for your life, you no longer need to play victim, savior, or persecutor.  The triangle is broken when you take responsibility for all 3 positions: victim, savior, and persecutor.  When the triangle is broken, you create your life from choice rather than old limiting and destructive patterns that have run your life.  

The Practices:

1.  Sit in the Silence one hour daily
2.  Give thanks unceasingly
3.  Practice the Language of Light unceasingly
4.  Praise God, which you are, unceasingly
5.  Make the calls in the Christ unceasingly
6.  Raise your core body temperature daily
            7.  Reference Soul in all decision-making
 Final Thought:
If you carry the feeling of anger inside you, then anger has much to teach you.  Once you have realized that anger does to your being you will drop it.  This also applies to all lower attributes of the carnal self...hatred, jealously, racism, the lists goes on and on....